

In May 2019, IDsys Online, an online backup management software solution, was launched.

What is IDsys Online?

In May 2019, the web-based software solution for taking an inventory of IDsys Online was completed.

It is an intuitive web application that is convenient, user-friendly and also takes into account the needs of all the most demanding customers. The solution can perform inventory/asset management with a modified antenna RFID hand scanner that detects assets equipped with special tags using radio frequency technology. It is also possible to use just a bar code solution and still use all the benefits of the program.

All data is stored in the cloud. The user has online access to all operations through a global website – WiFi, 4G. It is possible to import the customer's existing data directly into the IDsys Online database, there is no need for craftsmanship. All operations are 100% logged, including data changes, additions, all inventories. On inventory cards, there are 12 configurable additional fields in addition to the main fields. During the inventory, it is possible to view the individual history of each item with one click. The user interface is simple and intuitive. Users can set up personal views and filters. Export options are CSV, Excel and PDF. 

Application features


Change column names and positions in the table


Can turn columns (fields) on and off

color format of rows of data

Give the lines a color format based on the defined parameters


Save views with modified column locations and filters to show the data you want


Create restrictions for users to view, edit and enter information


It's a breeze to produce reports that meet your requirements

IDsys android

IDsys ONLINE Android software is a modern tool. This makes it possible to obtain information about the latest inventories, as well as to carry them out. The application can also be used on the phone with a barcode. There are 3 main views of the application:

Home- Displays general information about the user and the client account, then you can navigate to view assets or inventory packages. From allows you to view and search for assets directly from the app.

Search - The Search function allows you to quickly find objects and mass-change information about them.

Inventory – Choose which assets you want to take an inventory of and, if necessary, change their data during the inventory.

During the inventory, it is possible to physically identify assets either by. RFID inventory or bar-coded inventory inventory. The former is many times cheaper and faster.

Inventory the way you want

The inventory is based on indicators. The user selects the assets they wish to identify by location, name or other indicator. At the end of the inventory, it is possible to choose the format that would be preferable to upload (all, found only, missing only, found & missing, found & over, missing & over). During the inventory, you can conveniently right-drag an asset to add an immediate comment.

Change of mass

In addition to the basic functionality, it is possible to mass modify the scanned rows (e.g. change the location, name or other information field of an asset).

Data loss prevention

It also allows you to quickly and conveniently account for one type of unknown asset.

Inventory pack history

The handheld reader allows you to view individual previous inventories. 

Mass import

The app allows you to quickly and conveniently account for one type of unknown assets.

Modify individual asset cards

you can edit individual assets one by one directly from the android application (handheld reader/phone).


The assets counted are precisely identified individually.


In a specific asset search, the app can view the location of the asset and then go to physically check the asset's presence.