Estonian Railways Annual Inventory Solution

Estonian Railways Ltd

  • Annual inventory solution powered by IDsys Online
  • Faster and easier asset identification using barcodes
  • Digital data on inventory processes and results


Handheld scanner

Phone app

IDsys Online

What problem did we solve?

Previously, inventories were conducted on paper. Committees were formed, inventory sheets were created in enterprise software, sent to committees via email, and printed on-site. The inventory results were written on paper, scanned into a computer, and emailed to the accountant for review. The entire process was manual and resource-intensive. Identifying assets on-site was complicated and time-consuming, leading to the adoption of barcode tagging for assets. To maximize the benefits of tagging, interest arose in digitizing the reading process as well.

What was done to solve it?

Estonian Railways conducts annual asset inventories using barcodes, a mobile application, and IDsys Online standardized software.

How does the solution work?

A solution utilizing barcode stickers, a Bluetooth handheld scanner, a mobile application, and IDsys Online software has made annual asset inventory process of Estonian Railways trackable in real-time. The data is fully digital, allowing visibility into when and where inventories were conducted, as well as the results.

The digital solution enables the addition of standardized notes during the inventory process (e.g., damaged, to be written off, incorrectly marked) and allows for flexible creation of inventory sheets, such as by department, location, or responsible person.

Transferring initial asset data from enterprise software is seamless, and the solution offers versatile configuration options to meet specific needs.

Creating Inventory Sheets

is flexible and simple

Annual Inventory

is trackable in real time

Generating reports

Directly from the management software

Significant time and resource savings

From inventory management

How does it improve efficiency?

The Estonian Railways team is generally satisfied with the solution—both the system and the inventory processes have been improved each year, and there is still room for further optimization. However, the clarity of information has significantly improved, and the time spent on inventory has been greatly reduced.

The time previously spent on back-and-forth email exchanges has been eliminated, and the creation of inventory sheets has been significantly simplified.

The committee can scan assets on-site using a tablet and a Bluetooth handheld scanner in the order they are located, rather than following the sequence of a paper inventory sheet. There is also the capability to monitor the annual inventory in real-time—at any moment, it is possible to see which locations have been inventoried and what the results are.

Digitizing the annual inventory solution enables the entire company to conduct inventory more resource-efficiently.

Would you like to know, how your company can benefit from our solutions?

We offer comprehensive inventory management digitalization solutions that help automate routine operations and make your company’s resource utilization more efficient.


  • +372 52 43 448

  • Keemia 4, Tallinn 11716262
VAT no: EE101332363

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