Inventory management system of the Estonian Ministry of Finance

Estonian Ministry of Finance

  • Inventory management system that utilizes RFID technology and IDsys Online software
  • A fast and easy way to identify inventory
  • Complete overview of inventory on one platform


Phone app

IDsys Online

What problem did we solve?

There was no mobile solution that could help conveniently and quickly find information about assets while moving around the building and make immediate updates (location, condition, and other parameters).

What was done to solve it?

The Ministry of Finance has implemented an inventory management system based on IDsys Online standardised software. Creating a user interface suitable for the Ministry of Finance was an exciting challenge, resulting in a convenient and fast solution for managing assets.

How does the solution work?

A mobile application that helps to find information about assets and make changes to asset cards conveniently and promptly. Asset cards and asset history can be viewed via the web-based IDsys Online application.

How does it improve efficiency?

Resource and workload savings on activities related to inventory management. The digital data flow ensures accurate information about the location and condition of assets. A quick overview of management activities is available by viewing asset history and generating reports with various parameters when needed.

Fast and automated

Digital inventory management

Real-time overview and history

About the condition of assets

Generating reports

Directly from the management software

Significant time and resource savings

From inventory management

Would you like to know, how your company can benefit from our solutions?

Pakume terviklikke inventarihalduse digitaliseerimise lahendusi, mis aitavad rutiinseid toiminguid automatiseerida ja muuta ettevõtte ressrsikasutuse efektiivsemaks.


  • +372 52 43 448

  • Keemia 4, Tallinn 11716262
VAT identifier: EE101332363

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