Harmet Constructions OÜ tool warehouse

Harmet Constructions OÜ

  • Tool warehouse managed with RFID and IDsys Online

  • Faster and easier tracking of tools and construction supplies

  • Detailed overview of tool and supply inventory


RFID gate

IDsys Online

What problem did we solve?

Tools and construction materials were frequently lost from the tool warehouse. At the same time, there was no accurate overview of tool and material stock levels.

What was done to solve it?

Harmet Constructions has implemented a tool warehouse management system based on IDsys Online. The IDsys Online standardised software is developed with the needs of various manufacturing companies in mind. Creating a user interface suitable for Harmet Constructions’ production was a time-consuming and interesting process, resulting in a functional and user-friendly solution.

How does the solution work?

All tools are equipped with embedded RFID stickers, ensuring contactless logging into the database: issuing tools from the warehouse and returning them is fully automated, and tool movements are digitally trackable in real time.

How does it improve efficiency?

Saving human resources and time in issuing and returning tools to the warehouse. The digital data flow provides accurate information on the location of equipment. There is no need for inventory checks in a warehouse containing approximately 1,500 tools.

Fast and automated

Digital inventory management

Real-time overview and history

About the condition of assets

Generating reports

Directly from the management software

Significant time and resource savings

From inventory management

The inventory management solution has eliminated the need to conduct stocktaking for a tool warehouse comprising approximately 1,500 items.

Would you like to know, how your company can benefit from our solutions?

We offer comprehensive inventory management digitalization solutions that help automate routine operations and make your company’s resource utilization more efficient.

  • info@idsys.ee

  • +372 52 43 448

  • Keemia 4, Tallinn

Reg.no: 11716262
VAT no: EE101332363

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